Dean and Donaldson

Archer, Evrard, & Sigurdsson

"The vision statement and 10 year manifesto we created with you genuinely reflects our aspirations, inspires us all and will practically underpin the way we run and build the firm in the future.

You also made it effortless, quick and fun. Which was a really unexpected bonus!"

David Archer, Partner

Law firm, Archer, Evrard & Sigurdsson, was established in 2021 by  the three founding partners, and friends, David Archer, Marie Evrard and Maisie Sigurdsson.

Their core proposition – achieving their clients’ objectives more quickly and economically than other firms by taking a highly pragmatic and determined approach – means they are growing fast and developing a loyal client base.

Before expanding further, they recognised that this was a good point at which to pause, reflect and create a shared view of the future.

Using our unique Day In the Life methodology, we worked with the partners and all their colleagues to develop a vision statement and ten year manifesto to inspire and guide the business going forward.

Instead of sitting round a table trying to come up with a sentence that describes a vision for the company, our methodology allows for all employees to get involved and creates a vivid and detailed picture of the future that they aspire to.

Every employee, or if it’s a very large organisation, a representative sample of employees, writes a diary entry on a specific date that reveals how the organisation has evolved over the last ten years.

Once those diary entries have been submitted, we distil the thinking into a draft vision statement then work with the management to fine tune the wording.

Doing it this way means employees buy into the vision and are more likely to be inspired to help the company achieve that vision.  It also makes it much easier to see exactly where thinking is aligned and boil it all down to a vision.

Below is a diary entry which is a particularly good illustration of how the methodology works and why it’s effective.

September 2033

Today I feel so chuffed again. We have – yet again – been nominated for the ‘Law Firm of the Year’ awards, which we have won three years in a row now.  It is so rewarding to see that our efforts pay off.

We are now widely recognised as a boutique law firm specialising in commercial, IP and litigation work. We have recruited very good people, the best of the best. By building a brand and creating a great firm culture, we have managed to attract people who would ordinarily have been aiming to get into a magic circle firm.

We offer good pay, the right balance between work and life, and a nice place to work where people are recognised for their efforts and their attitude. A place where people are respected for who they are, and a workplace where we aim to bring the best out in each of us.