Dean and Donaldson

Thank you for an absolutely fantastic job. My first proposition task and you made me look amazing. Your de-brief was thorough, considered and detailed. Your delivery was flawless and I hope you picked up on how well it was received, THANK YOU  

CMO, Asset Management Company

Our work

Since launching Dean & Donaldson in 2023, we have completed important projects for three clients.

Archer Evrard Sigurdsson

Using our unique Day In the Life methodology, we worked with the partners and all their colleagues to develop a vision statement and ten year manifesto to inspire and guide the business going forward.


Using our unique Day In the Life methodology, we worked with the partners and all their colleagues to develop a vision statement and ten year manifesto to inspire and guide the business going forward.

The Knowledge

Using our unique Day In the Life methodology, we worked with the partners and all their colleagues to develop a vision statement and ten year manifesto to inspire and guide the business going forward.

Past work

A selection of case studies from projects we have worked on in our roles prior to setting up Dean & Donaldson.


The CEO of a fast growing business wanted to articulate a long term vision that would motivate and unite the rapidly increasing number of people working for the organisation.


Our client wanted to ensure that their excellent and distinctive reputation would continue to secure the loyalty of existing clients as well as helping them win new clients and attract new talent.


In a highly competitive marketplace, the business needed to identify and then communicate what was genuinely distinctive, relevant and appealing about the way they delivered their services.


The head of a company division wanted to accelerate growth by updating and extending their product range to cater more effectively for existing clients and attract new clients.


The CEO had recognised that to take his business to the next level he needed a marketing strategy that would change perceptions, and create much greater awareness of the brand.


Our client wanted to become the ‘go-to’ fund manager for real estate investment. Find out how the market understanding we provided was used to re-position them successfully.


The client wanted to know for certain what percentage of the target market was aware of the company’s brand and how that compared to competitors in order to understand the scale of the task and set a target for the future.


Having developed the client’s marketing strategy and recruited a small in-house team supported by rigorously selected agencies, it was time to recruit a permanent head of marketing.

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